Czech Export Bank (CEB) is a specialised state-owned banking institution, part of the system of state export support and economic diplomacy of the Czech Republic.
- founded in 1995 (as Export Credit Agency of the Czech Republic);
- Standard & Poor's rating AA;
- over 16 billion EUR of supported export;
- global reach with over 94 target countries;
- close and proven co-operation with commercial banking sector.
We help Czech exporters and investors to grow and succeed on international markets. We also help international customers to purchase Czech products, technological units and services.
With long-standing experience in sectors such as energy, environmental solutions, manufacturing, infrastructure, aviation or defence and security, CEB offers tailor-made export finance solutions in EUR and USD and at internationally competitive rates. CEB’s activities are in full compliance with the rules of WTO (World Trade Organisation) and relevant recommendations of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development).