Rules for Handling Complaints
of Česká exportní banka, a.s.
with its registered office at Vodičkova 34, 111 21 Praha 1
A complaint can be lodged by a natural or legal person (hereinafter the “authorised person” or “submitter”) that:
a) believes that Česká exportní banka, a.s. (hereinafter “ČEB”) has failed to meet its obligations agreed under a contractual relationship or its obligations arising from legal regulations, which has affected the person’s rights,
b) seeks the protection of the person’s subjective rights and interests or, in the person’s own interest, points to deficiencies in the behaviour of individual employees and seeks their elimination.
1. Method of Delivering Complaints
ČEB accepts complaints (hereinafter the “submission”)
in a written form sent to: |
electronically sent to: |
via the data box: |
Česká exportní banka, a.s. Compliance dept. | |
ID: 4aydj3q |
2. Formal Requirements of Submissions
1) submitter’s data (natural person: name and surname, date of birth; legal person: tradename / company name, ID No.)
2) contact address, registered office, phone or e-mail contact to expedite the communication
3) description of the procedure against which the objection is raised, claimed facts/events
4) department, or the name of the employee against whose actions the submission is filed
5) product identification (e.g. contract number, account number etc.)
6) relevant attachments and documents (e.g. account statement, copy of payment order, contract etc.)
If the submission does not contain all the formal requirements, ČEB is entitled to request the authorised person to provide them within a specified period. If the submitter asks ČEB to provide assistance, ČEB is obliged to do so.
3. Reasons for Refusal of Submissions, Limitation Periods and Termination of Rights
The submission will not be accepted if a court has already decided on this matter or a proceeding on this matter has been initiated before court. The authorised person will be informed of these facts.
A complaint about defective performance shall be lodged without undue delay after the authorised person detects the defects, within the period stipulated by the relevant contractual provisions and legal regulations and, at the same time, within the limitation period.
The authorised person may exercise the right to compensation against ČEB within a three-year period from the date on which the person becomes aware of the damage and the person liable for its compensation. This period shall expire no later than 10 years from the date on which the damage occurred. ČEB will not provide performance based on time-barred claims.
4. Deadline for Submission Processing
The submitter shall be informed of the receipt of the submission and of the procedure and deadlines for processing the submission without undue delay after the submission is received.
Payment services: The submission will be processed within 15 business days of its receipt. If there is an obstacle preventing the timely response which is beyond the ČEB’s will, the authorised person will be informed about this fact (and this obstacle) and ČEB will response within 35 business days after the receipt of the submission.
Other submissions: Other submissions which are not related to payment services will usually be handled within 30 calendar days.
If ČEB is not able to meet these deadlines, it will inform the authorised person in writing, stating the reasons for longer processing periods and a new deadline for settling the submission.
The deadlines for submission processing do not include deadlines for repairs or supplementing the authorised person’s submission, as well as for obtaining of additional documents from the authorised person or third parties which are necessary to investigate the submission.
5. How to Respond to a Submission
The response will be provided to the submitter in the manner selected in the submission or through the means of communication corresponding to the communication method between pre-agreed between the submitter and ČEB unless the applicable legal regulations require another means of responding. Anonymous submissions will be reviewed internally and if the submission is legitimate, ČEB will take corrective measures, however, due to the anonymity, the outcome of the investigation is not addressed or disclosed.
6. Processing Costs
ČEB does not charge any fees for the processing of submissions.
7. Appeal Possibilities
If the authorised person is not satisfied with the settlement of the submission, the person is entitled to appeal against the outcome. ČEB will review the appeal within 30 days and inform the authorised person about the result of the review by a letter from the ČEB CEO.
If the authorised person is not satisfied with the settlement of the submission, the person is entitled to approach the Financial Arbiter of the Czech Republic ( or the regulator, i.e. the Czech National Bank ( where provided for by law.
8. Final Provisions
These Rules come into effect on 1.10.2019 and replace the Rules effective as of 15.8.2018. The Rules are a publicly available document of ČEB which can be consulted at the ČEB reception at the address indicated above, they are also published on the ČEB website